
  • UI Designer

  • UX Researcher

  • Presentation Deck

Project Context

  • Designed in 4 days: Spring 2022

  • Group of two designers project

  • A heuristic evaluation/ UI Redesign of iOS app.

  • Tools: Figma

The Problem

Many users moved toward digital interactions during the global pandemic to complete their daily tasks. At the same time, Burger King also applied rebranding to their mobile app. Users of the app complained of some confusion around the ordering process:

Our Methodology

Using “Jakob’s Ten Usability Heuristics” to identify potential usability problems, there were a few prominent areas of user difficulty. Overall, the app was mostly user-friendly, but there were still a few interaction points that would need to be clarified for the User.

By organizing them by severity, a more apparent user flow was determined. See below the heuristic and severity rating scale we used:

Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristics are mental shortcuts that people make to ease the cognitive load of making a decision.

Below are three examples of heuristic violations identified on the Burger King iOS app. With the UI redesign beside:

Full Heuristic Evaluation

Below is the full presentation deck that contains all the heuristic violations identified on the Burger King app.

*Please view on a desktop to see in full.

What I learned:

This was my first heuristic evaluation of a chosen mobile app! A few things I took away from the project were:

  1. Communicate before deciding: Identifying the correct heuristic is not always straightforward, it took careful consideration and discussion with my fellow designer on the project, to conclude which heuristic needed evaluation. This was an essential step as it determined the direction of our redesign.

  2. Contrast is essential: With the user interface being in a dark mode, implementing contrast colours in areas that required closer attention was key. This improved the overall experience when placing an order.

  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: You can only get better at identifying heuristic violations by training the eye to see them. Fortunately, that can be improved and refined with practice.

For more work inquiries, or to grab a coffee do email me at ☕️✨

Thank you for reading! 🧠