
  • UX Researcher

  • UI Designer

  • Created presentation deck

Project Context

24 Hour Hackathon

  • Client: Canada Goose

  • Team of 4: 2 designers + 2 engineers

  • Goal: Design + develop a new sustainability campaign

Project Brief

Canada Goose set the challenge of using 24 hours to design and develop a solution for their new sustainability campaign. Our role as designers and developers was to create a new idea from scratch, communicate what could realistically be developed in 24 hours, develop our idea and present the solution to stakeholders.

Who are Canada Goose?


Canada Goose is one of the world's leading makers of luxury apparel. Having produced extreme weather outwear since 1957. The brand is recognized for its quality jackets, parkas and accessories designed for women, men and kids.

Fast forward to 2022, and the brand is committed to maintaining its values of accountability, respect and innovation by expanding its "beyond the parka" strategy to achieve the vision of ending new fur purchases by 2022.

PHASE 2: Coming up with ideas + solutions

To design for sustainability

The design solution we decided on was "rent-a -knitwear". This option allows new and existing customers to try the new range before buying. The renting business model was preferred over coupons as it fits existing mental models already adopted in luxury fashion.

You can read more here: Rentals are the future

The brand's goal is to expand its sustainable reputation; however, the current website has more than eight steps to find an item that is part of the sustainable range. For customers to trust the brand and the sustainable vision, we changed the task flow to fewer steps and made it easy to view the new sustainable range from the home page.

See below our updated Task flow and design sketches:

Current Task Flow 

New Task Flow:

  • Sustainability First is positioned at the front of the navigation bar.

  • The carousel bar of the campaign is positioned in the hero section.

  • Knitwear products are detailed below.

  1. Home Page

2. Product Page

  • The rent knitwear page shows the details of the item selected.

  • Image Carosoul

  • Features + materials used section below.

  • Previous reviews section.

  • Add knitwear to the shopping bag.

  • Check out to rent.

3. Shopping Bag Page


What can be developed in 24 hours? Realistically…

It was around 11 pm when my fellow designer, Emmanuel, discovered that aspects of our design could not be developed. Since our designs were only as good as the ability of the developers to deliver, we had to listen. The developers worked on coding the website into the early morning hours while the designers got a bit of a break.

After a brief meeting, the team worked on final touch-ups while I created our presentation deck to show our solution to Canada Goose.

Below is the final screens and prototype we designed + a link to the developed website:

Final Screen Designs:

Website Prototype:

See the website here: Sustainability Campaign


Presentation Deck

Reflections + Going Forward:

This was my first 24-hour Hackathon competition & we WON! 🎉 it was truly an amazing experience to come up with the idea and have it developed in a short 24 hours…

A few things I took away were:

  1. Team Work: Having a good team, and a good sense of humour makes the work feel like play. Not only did that attitude put us in a more creative mindset but it made the half-eye-open double check-in at 3 am a little easier.

  2. Talk to Each other: Communicating early on which designs can be developed saves time and stress from any last-minute rush.

  3. Designs being developed: You may be dead set on a design idea but you quickly learn that your designs are only as good as their ability to be developed.

  4. Stick to your creative ideas: The “under the coat” copy was my idea which was initially pushed back however it was highlighted that the Canada Goose stakeholders loved the idea! They said, “it was a great creative way to introduce the new knitwear range”.

For more work inquiries, or to grab a coffee do email me at ☕️✨

Thank you for reading! 🧠